School Uniform
At Atherton High School we have the very highest standards regarding uniform and take pride in the school and in appearance.
School uniform plays a key role in promoting pride, self-confidence, and a feeling of belonging within the student body. These factors contribute to students’ wellbeing, removing the additional pressures of deciding what to wear and added stress of meeting the expectations of their peers.
The compulsory school uniform consists of the following items:
Physical Education Kit (Aptus Performance)
Polo shirt with Atherton High School logo, black shorts with the Atherton High School logo, black socks, trainers and football boots.
Optional: Black tracksuit bottoms, leggings and tracksuit top can be worn by pupils during cold weather. PE jackets can be worn but it must have the Atherton logo on it and cannot be plain black.
We do not permit pupils to wear coats or jackets inside classrooms. Pupils must remove these on entry to the classroom. When pupils are outside at break or lunchtime, they can wear these items.
Hair – Hair must be a neat style. It must be no shorter than a number 2, with no shaved patterns or unnatural colours (including bright shades of red/brown).
Please note: All students should travel to and from school in their full uniform, worn correctly
Equipment for learning
Pupils should come to school equipped ready to learn:
- Black pen and red pen
- Pencil, ruler & rubber
- School bag
- Knowledge organisers
- School timetable
- Reading book
Our chosen and approved school uniform supplier is Icon Embroidery Ltd