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Effective Revision

Get organised – make a plan! Then revise efficiently.

Making a plan

  • Be clear about any days/times you are expected in school.
  • Block off any time where revision is not possible. (e.g. travel, work, clubs, other commitments, intervention can be included as revision.)
  • Share your plan with someone at home – you’re more likely to stick to it.


  • Focus on what you don’t know.
  • Leave enough room on your plan to include extra info e.g. Chemistry
  • C4, even if planned rather than logged.

Make the most out of revision.

  • Be realistic.
  • Be determined, both with revision and breaks.
  • Use your time effectively – no 3 hour blocks without breaks!
  • Be kind to yourself during breaks, but don’t get distracted for too long.
  • Be flexible.
  • Use a multi angled approach – read, make mind maps, stick post-it notes around the house on cupboards etc., make revision cards, test your friends, discuss what you’ve learned, teach your friends and family, practise exam papers, watch revision videos on YouTube, and ask teachers for help if you’re really not sure on something.
  • Use a quiet space – no music, TV, phone or siblings (use school or a local library if it helps).

Useful for revision

Revision Booklet – click here to view

Recipe Booklet – click here to view

Revision Flashcards – click here to view

Useful website that caters for all subjects

GCSE – England – BBC Bitesize

All subjects – Key Stage 4 – Oak National Academy (




Design Technology


Sports Science



Health & Social Care


Food Technology




“AHS has felt like a family for me.  I’ve been supported when I’ve needed it and allowed to grow when the opportunity has arisen.  The SLT make me feel valued as a member of staff, I’m accepted for who I am and encouraged to become more.”

Mrs Gittins