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‘Every teacher is a teacher of SEN’


  • Provide every pupil with access to a broad, balanced and ambitious education. This is in line with the SEN Code of Practice.
  • To ensure that teachers have the information, knowledge and skills that they need to support pupils with SEND needs effectively in lessons.
  • The curriculum is knowledge rich, vocabulary rich and is carefully and coherently planned.
  • Quality first teaching to deliver the ambitious curriculum intent.
  • Promote independence, equality and consideration and respect for others.
  • Ensure that we celebrate success and pupils with SEND achieve exceptionally well.
  • Create an ‘open-door’ ethos for parents/carers to create strong communication and relationships.
  • To ensure that all pupils are prepared to succeed in further education.


  • The curriculum has been carefully designed to be ambitious, to meet the breadth and depth of the National Curriculum and carefully sequenced to ensure all pupils are secure in the essential Knowledge for Progression.
  • Atherton High School is committed to the development of high-quality teaching across the whole school through regular high-quality CPD.  This creates adaptive and responsive teaching, putting SEND pupils at the heart of our ambition.
  • To ensure that referral information is well evidenced and that the needs of pupils are identified as early as possible, with regular monitoring of progress.
  • Make appropriate provisions within school, promotes high educational standards and the fulfilment of potential enabling pupils to achieve their best.
  • The SEND team will support needs and promote a learning environment that allows pupils to make a successful transition into adulthood, employment and further or higher education and training.
  • Parents, carers and young people are involved in discussions and decisions about their individual support.
  • Collaborate with outside agencies when extra help is needed such as Educational Psychology, CAMHS or Speech and Language services.

What specialist services and expertise are available at, or accessed by, the school?

  • Educational Psychology.
  • Speech and language therapy.
  • TESS.
  • School Nurse.
  • Hearing Services.
  • Inclusion Support Service (advisory teachers).
  • Outreach Service.
  • Occupational therapy.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Engagement Centre.
  • Virtual Schools.
  • SEND team from Local Authority.
  • CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service).
  • Children’s Social Care.
  • Pediatrician.

What training and experience have the staff supporting children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities had, or are having?

  • The inclusion team have received extensive training in the following areas:
  • High-quality first teaching school CPD.
  • Hearing impairment.
  • Communication and Interaction.
  • Talking Partners.
  • Maths Recovery.
  • Sounds Write.
  • Behaviour management.
  • SEMH.
  • Safeguarding.
  • Safer people handling.
  • Promoting better literacy.
  • Autism.
  • ADHD.
  • Working memory.
  • Maximising the impact of TA support.
  • In addition, all staff delivering intervention programmes have received extensive training in Literacy Catch-up, Numeracy Catch-up, Dyslexia support and Speech and Language.

What should I do if I think my child/young person may have special educational needs?

Speak to the school in the first instance and the SENCo will be able to advise you on the appropriate next steps. These may involve assessments being carried out within the school, or a referral being made to the appropriate service. Such referrals may be done by school or, dependent upon the nature of the concern, by a GP.

Find our SEND Policy

‘Every teacher is a teacher of SEN.’